Monday, April 24, 2006

Miss me? : )

In case you guys were wondering where I've disappeared, I'm back. A number of unexpected turn of events in my life have kept me away from my routine chores such as doing nothing, watching TV, reading tonnes of Sunday papers, doing nothing, surfing the Internet, blogging, working now and then and, of course, doing nothing (smile). But now things are creeping back to normal so here I am.

As usual, a number of issues have been haunting my head, the re-appearance of the dance bars for one. Whatever people say, I will never see how dancing in front of drunkards and being subjected to leering glares and lewd comments is a better option than trying to acquire some skills and getting a real job. I mean, aren't there hundreds of institutions and preferential opportunities available for women in need in our country? If you have enough brains to know how to use a cell phone, why not use those brains to get an education and a job? And the worst part is, I believe a good number of these girls are educated to an extent, so what is it that makes them choose this path? Easy money? Loads of responsibilities? Whatever it is, they are not getting my sympathies.

Also, what was all that drama in banning them if they had to re-open them all over again. This will only encourage everyone who is involved in this sleaze business. I cannot begin to imagine if I were in the place of a woman who's husband, son or brother is a regular at such joints. Makes my blood boil.

On a more lighter note, thanks to Phoenix for formally tagging me, somehow the moment has passed dear. But you never know, I might just pick it up someday. Rest life goes on, cannot remember the last time I saw a movie in the theatre. Hey, anyone seen anything good lately, please suggest. Not seen Ice Age I, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea to catch part II. (I'm a bit finicky in this respect).


Urvashi said...

Welcome back! :)
Hmmm... The dance bars controversy sure does rake up a lot of newsprint. You are perhaps right in saying that these girls should go get a degree and a job. But it looks to me that these girls are not really in a position to do so; maybe they do not have the finances to go about procuring a degree. Even people with degrees find it hard to get a decent enough job nowadays. So I think they are doing the best they can to support their families.
And the tag thing, I did sense that the moment had passed. I had wondered if I should tag you, but wasn't too sure how you would take it! Some people really hate tags!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hii.. long time no post

Urvashi said...

Hi!! Have you given up blogging???

Urvashi said...

Hey! I thought you had returned to blogging....